“Thermofluidics' technology is applicable from industrial state-of-the-art to the poorest people in the world - it is our objective to serve both.
We do not have any openings at present. However we are always interested in hearing from talented individuals who share our ethos. Please contact us.


New test borehole completed and commissioned at our U.K. technical centre

October, 2019

We have completed and commissioned a new 37m deep 6” borehole test facility at our U.K. technical centre in mid-Devon. The new facility will enable intensive experimental testing and development of production Impact Pumps at a greater range of heads and flows than existing above-ground test-towers on the same site, which are limited to 10m. It will also host high-flow (stress) endurance tests when not in use for development, and enable experimental work to begin on new concepts, including our novel approach to ultra-low-cost groundwater level monitoring and hydro-power generation from aquifer recharge.

First batches of production parts arrive

October, 2019

We have taken delivery of the first batches of Series 0 Impact Pump production parts in preparation for assembly, quality assurance, packing and shipping. Meanwhile, we are setting up our UK based assembly line for the first 200 units to design, test and optimise assembly procedures, in line with our target shipping date.

First cast and machined production parts commissioned

September, 2019

We have agreed and commissioned toolmaking and pilot production for our first set of cast and machined production parts for our Impact Pump “Series 0” launch product. These will form part of the first Impact Pump product. This is due to be available in Kenya from late 2019 with rollout across East Africa during 2021.

Series 0 Impact Pump product engineering design complete

June, 2019

The end-to-end design of the Impact Pump “Series 0” launch product is complete and production quotations are being sourced. We are on schedule to launch our first product under the Impact Pumps brand in Kenya in late 2019. This coincides with our first million litres of water having been lifted in the field, directly improving the lives of rural communities through the provision of irrigation, drinking and sanitation services.

10,000hr accelerated tests complete

April, 2019

We have completed a number of accelerated ageing tests on a concept-design for our next generation of uDAHR prototype, that will be called the “Pre-Series 0” uDAHR. These included fatigue tests, corrosion tests, repeated dry-run tests and long-durations of operation in acidic silted wells with high chloride concentrations.

New >90% Impact Pump hydraulic efficiency record achieved in Bangladesh

April, 2019

A new efficiency record has been set by our Bangladeshi Team in collaboration with IDE. Badrul Alam, treadle pump pioneer and leader of IDE’s technical centre in Dhaka, and his team, recorded a best ever hydraulic efficiency of 92% from a Pre-Series 0 Impact Pump installed at 27m depth (24m to water) at Miton, near Dhaka. This was achieved using steel pipework. The pump was driven by an Ennos Sunlight pump, manufactured under license in India by Jain Irrigation. The team also recorded efficiencies close to 90% using PVC pipework in place of HDPE.

Mixed domestic and irrigation use of water raised at Seme, Kisumu province, Kenya, reported by community leaders

March, 2019

As our gamma-uDAHR field trials progress in Kenya and Bangladesh, unexpected usage patterns continue to emerge. Although very different in nature and requirements, the distinction between water pumping for irrigation and domestic use (drinking/cooking and sanitation) is not always cut and dry in the real world. We now know that our well in Seme, Kenya is providing around 160 people with water for domestic use during the peak of the dry season, whilst being used for irrigation at other times. The daily pumped volumes required are similar, but continuity of supply is now even more essential. So far, users are very happy with the service that the uDAHR offers, as according to community leaders, existing powered-options (helical sumbersibles and suction pumps lowered on platforms) would often already have failed in a sandy dug well of varying water depth such as this.

SF2-driven Impact Pump installed at GLAC primary school, Ahendu, Kenya, displacing bucket lifting and supplying pre-purified drinking water for more than 250 children and staff

March, 2019

Our Kenyan technical team managed by Futurepump Kenya have installed a Pre-Series 0 Impact Pump at GLAC primary school in Ahendu, Kisumu province, Kenya. This pump, driven by a Futurepump SF2, is providing an improved water supply for more than 250 children and staff from a water depth of 13m. Previously lifted by buckets, a key route for contamination of wells, the water is chlorinated prior to drinking.

Major East African distribution partner agrees to stock the Series 0 Impact Pump

February, 2019

Following an on-site demonstration to approximately 30 senior staff, and a successful 500 hour test result, we are pleased to announce that the Impact Pump has been selected for inclusion in the 2020 stock list of our main East African distribution partner. Our partner, who controls over 50% of the pump distribution market in East Africa, will take delivery of the first shipment of Impact Pumps via Mombasa in late 2019.

Wellcome Trust increases and extends Thermofluidics’ Translation Award to cover Impact Pump pilot launch and rollout across East Africa

February, 2019

We are delighted to be able to announce that the Wellcome Trust have agreed to a further funding package of £1.45M to cover toolmaking, pilot production and launch across 8 East African countries. The extended project will run until August 2021, bridging a critical funding gap between applied research and commercial-sustainability.

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